Metal Star's Glory To The Brave

Sukupuoli: naaras
Syntynyt: 25.12.2017
Rotu: teddy
Väri: golden/white/black
Rekisterinumero: M23-18


Goldhill's Brave Glory Diane (isä: Malaxis Wine&Dine)


Malaxis Mandariini
M12-17 teddy tortoiseshell&white
Goldhill's Prins Sunny Freak
teddy white/golden/black
Lovely Sunny-Bear
Andien Mystic Waves
Goldhill's Sunrise
Goldhill's Princess Snow Freak
Andien Little Kiss Freak
Goldhill's Princess Johanna
Malaxis Kandaranda
teddy tortoiseshell/white
4-ever Macho
4-ever Fullrate
4-ever Cupcake
Malaxis Zandaranda
4-ever Handsome
Malaxis Tortadanda

Snoop's Tarlatan
teddy white/black/golden
Malaxis Xilence of the Lambs
teddy tortoiseshell&white
    S MVA SjrV-13
Chewda's Headturner
Polka Pig's Wasihngton Wish
Chewda's Apocalyptica
Malaxis Dawn of Silence
Allegro Of Funny Farm
Rospiggens Moonlight
Malaxis Mmm Som Marabou
teddy white/black/cream
Malaxis Magnetic Maddox
    S MVA
Malaxis Randy Ronald
     S MVA BIR-10
Malaxis Xcandal Xandal
Malaxis P4
Malaxis Z
Malaxis F1