Metal Star's Zombie Inc

Sukupuoli: naaras
Syntynyt: 19.11.2018
Rotu: merino
Väri: black/white
Rekisterinumero: M52-19




Metal Star's Dragon Storm
M20-18 merino black/white
Metal Star's Knight
texel white/black fox
Aniaras Urban Flyer
HW's Triple Shot
Aniaras Pilke
Goldhill's Diva-Fox
Vibys Fox
Metal Star's Fantasia
merino black/white
Mister X
Chesse Od Bejbinky
Ufaly Anemilie
Fantasia Od Bejbinky

Metal Star's Industrial
M29-18 coronet white/black/cream
    FI MVA VV10-17 VROP-17
Delfoin Igrim
merino black/white/golden
Lillhagas Merci
    S MVA
Lillhagas Milton
Flamez Ofelia
Delfoin Inka
Eternitys Paranormal Activity
     FI MVA
Delfoin Ihastus
Malaxis Yazza
sheltie black/white
Sukkererten of Cavy Castle
Timmy of Cavy Castle
Sukkertop of Cavy Castle
Malaxis Bajamaja
Danny Cavies Luke
Malaxis Leia of Maja