Metal Star's Yours Immortally

Sukupuoli: uros
Syntynyt: 12.08.2017
Rotu: teddy
Väri: goldenagouti/white roan
Rekisterinumero: M247-17




Malaxis Headturner
M333-15 teddy goldenagouti/white roan
    S MVA SjrV-13
Chewda's Headturner
teddy goldenagouti/white roan
Polka Pig's Wasihngton Wish
    S MVA
Polka Pig's Winchester Wish
    S MVA
Polka Pig's Chosanna
Chewda's Apocalyptica
GoldenGate Hermes
Polka Pig's Adora
    S MVA
Malaxis Under The Moon
teddy tortoiseshell&white
Maurik El Nino
Rospiggens Moonlight
Rospiggens Shogun
Night Caps Moonlight Serenade

Goldhill's Doll of Darkness
M222-16 sheltie black/white tan
Vibys Kung Borge
sheltie black fox
Sir Tobys Yazoo
Sir Tobys Man of His World
Sir Tobys Jacy
Vibys Ottina
    S MVA
Vibys Torres
Aylians Grey
Define Moo
    S MVA SjrV-10
Lillhagas Zpace
Define Ultra Cute
     S MVA
Delfoin Jemen
Delfoin Julius
Delfoin Kofu