Metal Star's Walking In The Air

Sukupuoli: uros
Syntynyt: 21.09.2018
Rotu: sheltie
Väri: black/white roan
Rekisterinumero: M53-19




Metal Star's One More Time
M83-17 texel white/black (roan)
Gorth's Dear Delirium
teddy white/black
HW's Triple Shot
HW's Silver Bullet
HW's Maxime
Groth's Alissa
Malaxis Gilberto
    S MVA
Polly's Clarissa
Malaxis Carmella
alpakka black/white/roan
Malaxis Danton
Malaxis Robber
    S MVA
Malaxis Xploria
Malaxis Cedrica
Define Inkie
Malaxis Latoya

Metal Star's Wintersun
M225-17 sheltie black/golden
Metal Star's Full Moon
sheltie black/golden
Mister X
Chesse Od Bejbinky
Ufaly Anemilie
Fantasia Od Bejbinky
Malaxis Yazza
sheltie black/white
Sukkererten of Cavy Castle
Timmy of Cavy Castle
Sukkertop of Cavy Castle
Malaxis Bajamaja
Danny Cavies Luke
Malaxis Leia of Maja