Goldhill's Water Lily

Sukupuoli: naaras
Syntynyt: 30.05.2022
Rotu: teddy
Väri: white/goldenagouti
Rekisterinumero: M198-22

   12.11.2022 Karkkila, Grand Gala Junior ulkomuotoluokka SMY, Emilie Yde, serti, rop4



Goldhill's Hardy Man
M152-21 teddy black/white/golden
Malaxis Lord Of Luck
teddy tortoiseshell&white
Tipsy Cavies Killian
Malaxis Queen of China
Malaxis Z
4-ever China Girl
Malaxis Another Size
teddy black/golden/white
Malaxis Extra Large
Malaxis Just Right For My Booty
Malaxis Valkoinen Joulu
Malaxis U and I
Tipsy Cavies Killian
Malaxis Q-it

Goldhill's Brave Glory Diane
M161-21 teddy white/golden/black roan
Malaxis Wine&Dine
teddy d.e.golden california black
Malaxis Mufasa
4-ever Jack Daniels
Malaxis Calypso
4-ever Red Wine
4-ever Fear Factor
Tipsy Cavies Cowslip
Metal Star's Glory To The Brave
teddy golden/white/black
Malaxis Mandariini
Goldhill's Prins Sunny Freak
Malaxis Kandaranda
Snoop's Tarlatan
Malaxis Xilence of the Lambs
Malaxis Mmm Som Marabou